Your Pathway to Independence

Chessel Avenue

Chessel Avenue in Bitterne, Southampton, is registered to provide care for five adults (between the ages of 18 and 65) who require nursing or personal care and/or treatment of disease, disorder or injury.

Chessel Avenue, Bitterne

All potential new admissions will be assessed to determine whether the service is able to meet their needs and whether, as individuals, they are able to be accommodated with the existing group of residents. The pre-admission assessment will be thorough and involve all existing professionals who are involved in their care, in order to ensure that the care provided is based upon the needs and wants of the individual whilst positively managing any risks that may be presented.

Documentation | Facilities | Communication

Chessel Avenue Facilities

Chessel Avenue works with individuals to provide personal care in a bespoke manner allowing individuals to reach their full potential. This includes maximum access to the community whilst effectively managing risk.

It is expected that, as far as possible, all residents would access the community for most types of services, including GP, hairdressing, podiatry, opticians, dentist etc. All residents are supported on an individual basis to access these as well as other services for leisure and relaxation pursuits.

Our dedicated staff work with individuals to identify their needs and their preferences for activities and also with their named keyworkers to identify the most appropriate facility for that individual (e.g. gym, college, dance class etc). This is accomplished with the assistance of the individual’s community team to build comprehensive and complete risk assessments, which identifies risk whilst allowing positive risk-taking to occur, ensuring that individuals are able to achieve their maximum potential.

All areas of care are reviewed on an individual basis dependent on need, but the residents and their named keyworkers also evaluate the care package on a monthly basis. This ensures that the individuals’ needs are being met and that the resident is involved in every aspect of their care.

Clients at Chessel Avenue Care Home enjoy the following facilities:
  • A kitchen to prepare your own meals, snacks etc (subject to risk assessment).
  • Five large bedrooms with sitting area all of which have an en suite wet room.
  • Large lounge/dining area.
  • Enclosed rear garden.
  • Chessel Avenue is walking distance from Bitterne and Woolston. It also has local bus and train links to the city centre, Bournemouth, Portsmouth and the New Forest.

Chessel Avenue Documentation

You are invited to review the latest CQC inspection report on the establishment, and the latest summary of residents and residents’ families’ views on the services offered. These are not included in this pack because they rapidly become out of date. A copy of each will be given to you on admission and subsequently published on the notice board in the home, and copies are available from the manager at any time.

CQC Report for Chessel Avenue

Chessel Avenue – Communication

Chessel Avenue has a policy of actively promoting the maintenance of residents’ normal social networks and social activities. The resident’s care plan includes a facility for recording the life history, social networks and contacts, and preferences for activities and hobbies to ensure that staff are aware of these and the resident is offered access to those networks and activities which are appropriate and desired. The policy of the home is that activities and networking support are a part of normal daily living and support for access will be available at all times.

Privacy and Dignity

We aim to respect your privacy and dignity at all times. Please speak out, or speak to your keyworker or Registered Manager if your privacy or dignity is not being respected.

Residents’ Privacy

  • All residents have the right to be alone or undisturbed and be free from public attention or intrusion into their private affairs.
  • All bedrooms have fingerprint recognition door access.
  • Any building or equipment fault which reduces the privacy of any resident must be reported to the registered manager.
  • Staff will not discuss residents or their affairs within earshot of anyone not directly concerned with their care.
  • Discussion of residents and their affairs will be for the purposes of managing and improving their care, and not as entertainment, e.g. gossip.
  • Residents will always be offered privacy for personal discussions.
  • Records will be designed, used and stored so as to assure privacy.
  • Legislative controls over records, such as the Data Protection Act, will be adhered to, and the resident’s express permission in writing will be sought before information is passed to any person other than those directly concerned with the care of the resident.
  • Records will be made available to the resident’s principal carer and family according to the wishes of the resident.

Residents’ Dignity

  • Your dignity is a matter of prime importance to us and all staff receive training in this area.
  • You will be asked by what name you wish to be addressed, and these names will be recorded on your Resident Plan and used by all staff.
  • You are perfectly entitled to ask that your principal carers use one name, and others use another name.
  • The level of familiarity is under your control.
  • In the absence of information to the contrary, staff will address you formally, using your title and surname.
  • Staff are trained to be sensitive to your feelings when in company. For example, should you need help with any daily activity, such as eating, you will be offered privacy and sensitivity in order that you are not embarrassed.

People were treated with dignity and their independence was promoted by staff

Chessel Support Services
Chessel Avenue